Bonnie Support Services

Bonnie Support Services

What’s Not Okay…. ?

Bonnie’s loves this video from New Zealand. It reminds us that family violence takes many forms and NONE of them are OK.

Sometimes everyday violent behaviours slip under the radar and are almost excused because they don’t seem to fit that very BIG label of Domestic Violence. But as you will see those behaviours, without a doubt, fit the category of Not OK!

Not OK is a good place to start to stem the violence.

New Zealand is doing some fantastic work to bring community action to call out violence. This video is part of a bigger campaign and next week you’ll read more about how individual communities are running their own campaigns.

For now, take a couple of minutes and see ordinary New Zealanders from all walks of life speak out about what’s not okay. And share this with your family and friends. It’s a good talking point too… is there anything here that you might have thought IS okay?


New Zealander speak out_Image 2015

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